If you have concerns about a child, they must be reported. Phone Somerset Children’s Services on 0300 123 2224. If a child is in immediate danger, phone 999. Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. IF IN ANY DOUBT, SPEAK OUT.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
- Uncollected Child
- Missing Child
- Children's Rights and Entitlements
- Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits
- Media Usage
- Looked After Children
Health and Safety
- Administering Medicines
- Managing children with allergies or who are sick or infectious
- Recording and Reporting of accidents and incidents
- Severe Weather
- No Smoking/Vaping
- Food Hygiene
- First Aid
Equal Opportunities
- Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion and equality
- Supporting children with special educational needs and disability
- British Values
- Promoting positive behaviour
- Admissions policy
- Zero Tolerance policy
Information and Records
- Privacy Notice For Clients/Parents
- Privacy Notice For Job Applicants
- Making a Complaint
- Confidentiality and client access to records
Updated: 14/10/2024